"Below you is the ground, above you is the ground, inside you is the ladder." I was born in Kecskemét. I live here with my children.My basic qualification is a primary-school teacher specialized in Hungarian language and adult education.
I was majoring in mental health in 2000and in the drama pedagogy in 2005 in postgradual training. Now I am working as a drama teacher.
I love playing: anywher, with anyone, with aim or without aim to. When I was a secondary-school student, I became a member of th Garabonciás Stúdió in Kecskemét, an amateur group of studyoung adults puting folk traditions and folk traditions on the stage. I live to see the same with the Érintések:
I belive what we do when acting, have got aim, power and sense. The improvisation creativity, freedom, reflexion, giving-getting situation, in which can bring at least as much with themself as the story-teller.
If you wish, "it is worth it". |